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The information presented at this site is for informational purposes only and should not be construed to be legal advice nor to create a lawyer or attorney-client relationship. Your review or receipt of the information on the pages of this website is not intended to create, and review or receipt by a visitor does not constitute, a contract for representation by California Virtual Estate Planners (CVEP). An attorney-client relationship will only arise between CVEP and a potential client by mutual agreement and upon the signing of an attorney-client agreement by the parties to it describing the legal services to be provided by CVEP and the fee for such services, or the manner of calculating such fee, signed by the client and in behalf of CVEP by one of its attorneys. Such signature by one of CVEP’s attorneys may be printed on the form attorney-client agreement rather than an actual original signature by the attorney.

Any documents prepared for you by your CVEP attorney were dependent on the details or wants/needs of your individual estate plan and the results will differ from plan to plan. This website is not intended to solicit clients outside the state of California. CVEP and its attorneys are licensed to actively practice law only in the State of California. Please be advised that the results achieved in any given individual estate plan depend upon the exact facts and circumstances of that individual estate plan.

This website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to express or constitute legal advice to any visitor. No attorney-client relationship between the visitor and California Virtual Estate Planners is created merely by visiting this site and/or by interacting via email with anyone at CVEP, and no visitor should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any content in the site, except in reliance upon the advice of a qualified attorney licensed to practice law in the visitor’s jurisdiction.

The transmission to CVEP of an e-mail inquiry itself does not contractually obligate California Virtual Estate Planners’ attorneys to represent you as your attorney. California Virtual Estate Planners attorneys cannot serve as your counsel in any matter unless you and our firm expressly agree, in writing, that we will serve as your attorney.

The information contained within this website is general in nature and may not apply to any specific factual or legal circumstances. EVERY individual estate plan IS DIFFERENT, AND SIMILAR RESULTS MAY NOT BE OBTAINED IN YOUR individual estate plan to anything described in the information on this website. California Virtual Estate Planners does not represent that the information set forth in this website is up-to-date, nor that it necessarily represents the state of the law in any jurisdiction. None of the information necessarily reflects the opinions of California Virtual Estate Planners, nor of any of the staff members or attorneys with this firm. This information is not intended as a substitute for obtaining legal advice from an attorney. No person should act or rely on any information in this site without seeking the advice of an attorney. Information set forth herein may be changed, added, and updated at any time without notice.

CVEP makes no warranty, express or implied, about the correctness, accuracy or reliability of the information set forth herein or in any other website to which this site may be linked. Any visitor’s use of the information set forth in the site is at the visitor’s own risk. California Virtual Estate Planners reserves the right to decline any representation and not to accept any particular individual’s purchase of an estate plan from CVEP, for any reason whatsoever or for no reason, and neither CVEP nor any of its attorneys shall be required to justify or explain any such refusal. This Disclaimer shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California, as applied to agreements made and to be performed solely therein. Disputes arising hereunder shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the Superior Court, San Diego County, State of California.

Pursuant to the California Rules of Professional Conduct (“RPC”) Chapter 7.2 (c), the law firm that is  responsible for this communication as defined under RPC Chapter 7, is California Virtual Estate Planners, located at 5752 Oberlin Dr. Ste 201, San Diego, CA 92121